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San Francisco Bay Area

Welcome to our new blog


September 25, 2009 | 2 minute read

I want to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to my new blog section… WELCOME!

I am so excited to have this section to be able to share patient testimonials and stories, or we could simply just talk about different procedures. Over the 19 years that I have been practicing plastic surgery technology has changed and I find that I must change with it, and start blogging.

I invite people to comment on my blog and ask me questions. Then this section can become one more resource tool for patients.

I hope you had a chance to already look around my website a bit. I have a stunning new section of pictures from some of our most recent surgeries. My goal is to always have a gallery filled with all different ages, ethnicities, and body types. I hope that when you see the pictures you find someone with a similar look as your own. That way you can see what having that procedure done, whatever it may be, could do for you. I will be uploading new pictures all the time so always check back to see what’s new.

There are some things about my practice that you may not know! We sell the fantastic new product Latisse®. My staff is using, and loving it. I sell several lines of skincare products such as Skinceuticals®, Obagi®, and Therapon®. So, if you have any questions about these products you can have some of those questions answered on my blog as well. The ultimate goal is to educate and inform you, the patient, so that you may make the decision that is best for YOU!

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